Diary of Hobbitt

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Co-existence & Clash of the Titans !

Whether we are heirs to vast property or not,we certainly are heirs to health problems passed on to us by our ancestors - a study of todays population's health will reveal that 99 % of us do suffer fr0m some hereditary health disorder or the other. The average Indian family will have a case history of either Diabetes, or high blood pressure , or arthritis , or cholestrol etc etc . among its family members.

Being a true Indian in this matter I am no exception to this rule. I am the third generation (to my knowledge-since I have no info on the generation before my grandfather! ) in my family to be afflicted with diabetes. In addition to what I have inherited from my ancestors , I have made my own contribution ( of course I am nowhere when compared to some illustrious ancestor who bequeathed the "wealth" called diabetes !) -namely thyroid, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis ,which, coexist peacefully within my body at times ,and ,wage a civil war at other times !

My body takes it in it stride and I go about my day to day activities keeping all these inhabitants in check by popping the reqired pills and insulin injections ! However all these residents have their mood swings and ego battles too - like the day I gave into temptation and had a gulabjamun, and that sent my sugar level shooting up (Diabetes is a very touchy customer -he does't like very sweet outsiders !). Not to be outdone , My other inhabitant Mr. Rheumatoid Arthritis immediately made his presence felt(bhala uske shakti meri shakti se kaise zyada ho sakta hai. Ma kasam meri shakti dikhata hoon ! )-the pain in my joints increased by leaps and bounds (pun intended!) . I then had to appease Mr Diabetes by assuring him that henceforth no "sweet " outsiders would be allowed inside my body ( rather ironical - the landlady apologizing to the tenant !) . Mr.Diabetes's ego thus pampered and bribed with a shot of insulin , decided to behave. Automatically Mr.Rheumatoid arthritis also magnanimously calmed down and withdrew the severe pain inflicted by him ! All is well that ends well and today,
in addition to medicines and insulin injections , I have a new friend called Yoga who helps me to keep my egoistic and moody inhabitants in check !


At 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Treat these guys with such humour and you can decive them out of their aggression most of the times and may even get them to go to sleep!!


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